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Other titles currently in manuscript form:
The Second Generation is a continuation of characters from the Mathew Duncan family who went to East Texas. Excerpt below:
“It was the Summer of 1920 when this stern woman appeared in my life. At first I was afraid of her, but in her own way she was a world of pleasure to be around. With her, there was a time for foolishness and a time for work. She carried a pistol and a folding knife in her purse. Then there was Holly, the bag of wrinkles secured together by a nose; had she a thumb, she’d have been one of us. Mother and I were running for our lives on that mid-summer morning. My Mother, Polly, was faster than I thought she could be. At first we were just making time leaving our past, but it suddenly turned into the run of our lives. My natural father was out of prison and had set his mind on killing us...because he thought I wasn’t his.
Where my marble blue eyes came from, no one knows, but they are certainly blue. In the run for our lives, my skinny, younger legs moved like the paddles of a windmill. My mother was still faster. The dry dust rose from the East Texas field road as we ran. Mother prayed out loud. God answers in mysterious ways. This woman and her shining knight, Sonny, suddenly appeared in a black 1920 Hudson. Sonny gave mother and me a choice and we took it. He backed my committed, angry father down in that dusty road. It proved to be the beginning of our lives. Mother had worked hard and was getting nowhere, hand to mouth, in a share cropper’s cabin.”   Heather Duncan
The Jagged Line:  The last Sheriff of Campbell County, Georgia is killed during a scuffle with an escaped Negro prisoner.  The county is merging with Fulton at the last minute of December 31, 1931.  The tracking business of Sonny Duncan and his daughter Heather are hit hard in the re-structure.  Meriwether County and the City of Warm Springs are asking for volunteer officers to assist in the apprehension of a mad man on an apparent killing spree.  Heather is hired by the Warm Springs PD to serve as a detective until the killer is brought to justice.  There is justice, and many new acquaintances along the way.  The fact that a woman is hired rather than a man, in a man’s profession, unleashes resentment!



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